Resultado da pesquisa (6)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Farias N.A.

#1 - Eimeria spp. infection in lambs from southern Brazil

Abstract in English:

Eimeria infections are common in the sheep industry worldwide. Lambs are more susceptible to coccidiosis, especially in stressful conditions, being infected by different species of the parasite. Eimeria crandallis and Eimeria ovinoidalis are considered the most pathogenic, causing reduced growth, dehydration, anorexia, and death. In this study, the frequency of Eimeria species was evaluated in lambs from the southern region of the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Fecal samples from 248 lambs, from 19 farms, were tested for the presence of oocysts. The positive samples were re-examined and the sporulated oocysts analyzed morphometrically to identify the presence of Eimeria species. In 100% of the evaluated farms, there were animals positive for the protozoan. The frequency of Eimeria species was: E. ovinoidalis (94.74%), E. crandallis (89.47%), E. granulosa (78.95%), E. parva (68.42%), E. ahsata (63.13%), E. punctata (42.11%), E. bakuensis (36.84%), E. faurei (10.53%), and E. pallida (5.26%). Mixed infection was found in 94.74% of the samples. This research describes, for the first time, the occurrence of E. crandallis and E. ovinoidalis infecting lambs in the study area. The wide distribution of this protozoan and the high frequency of pathogenic species show the importance and potential damage of sheep coccidiosis in herds from Rio Grande do Sul.

Abstract in Portuguese:

As infecções por Eimeria são comuns na ovinocultura mundial. Cordeiros são mais suscetíveis a coccidiose, especialmente em condições estressantes, sendo infectados por diferentes espécies do parasito. Eimeria crandallis e Eimeria ovinoidalis são consideradas as mais patogênicas, causando redução do crescimento, desidratação, anorexia e morte. Neste estudo, a prevalência de Eimeria spp. foi avaliada em cordeiros da região sul do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Amostras fecais de 248 cordeiros, provenientes de 19 fazendas, foram testadas quanto à presença de oocistos. As amostras positivas foram reexaminadas e os oocistos esporulados analisados morfometricamente para identificação das espécies de Eimeria presentes. Em 100% das fazendas avaliadas houve animais positivos para o protozoário. A frequência das espécies de Eimeria foi: E. ovinoidalis (94.74%), E. crandallis (89.47%), E. granulosa (78.95%), E. parva (68.42%), E. ahsata (63.13%), E. punctata (42.11%), E. bakuensis (36.84%), E. faurei (10.53%) e E. pallida (5.26). Infecção mista foi encontrada em 94.74% das amostras. Este trabalho descreve pela primeira vez a ocorrência de E. crandallis e E. ovinoidalis infectando cordeiros na área de estudo. Este trabalho descreve pela primeira vez a ocorrência de E. crandallis e E. ovinoidalis infectando cordeiros na área de estudo. A ampla distribuição desse protozoário e a alta frequência das espécies patogênicas evidenciam a importância da coccidiose ovina e os danos potenciais nos rebanhos do Rio Grande do Sul.

#2 - Oral trichomoniasis in raptors in Southern Brazil

Abstract in English:

A retrospective study of oral trichomoniasis cases in raptors was carried out at “Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico” of “Faculdade de Veterinária” of “Universidade Federal de Pelotas” (LRD-UFPel) from December 2014 to August 2017. Seven necropsy reports were reviewed. All raptors including Falconiformes and Strigiformes orders were from periurban zones. Four birds were adults, and there was no apparent sex predisposition. Clinical signs included dysphagia, regurgitation, and anorexia. Gross lesions were characterized by multifocal yellow to coalescent caseous nodules adhered to the oral cavity, which extended to the entrance of the esophagus. Microscopically, the lesions were characterized by severe focally extensive heterophilic granulomatous stomatitis. Trichomonas gallinae was isolated in modified Diamond medium of all samples collected from birds. It is believed the transmission occurred by the predation of domestic pigeons (Columbia livia domestica) contaminated with T. gallinae that agglomerate in patios of grain processing complexes.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo de casos de tricomoníase oral em rapinantes recebidos no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD-UFPel) no período de dezembro de 2014 a agosto de 2017. Foram revisados os protocolos de necropsia encontrando-se sete casos. Os animais eram todos de zonas periurbanas e foram afetadas a ordem Falconiformes e a ordem Strigiformes. Das aves afetadas 4/7 eram adultas e não houve aparente predisposição por sexo. Os sinais clínicos incluíram disfagia, regurgitação e anorexia. As lesões se caracterizaram por nódulos amarelados multifocais a coalescentes aderidos a cavidade oral, que se estendiam até a entrada do esôfago. Histologicamente as lesões caracterizaram-se por estomatite heterofílica granulomatosa focalmente extensiva acentuada. Foi isolado em meio Diamond modificado Trichomonas gallinae de todas as amostras coletadas das aves. Acredita-se que a fonte de transmissão tenha ocorrido a partir da predação por estes rapinantes de pombas domésticas (Columbia livia domestica) portadoras com T. gallinae que se aglomeram em pátios de complexos de beneficiamento de grãos.

#3 - Verification of vertical transmission of Neospora spp. in horses, 35(1):29-32

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Quevedo P.S., Avila L.F.C., Saggin A., Silveira T.R., Feijó L.S., Frey Jr F., Curcio B.R. & Farias N.A.R. 2015. [Verification of vertical transmission of Neospora spp. in horses.] Verificação da transmissão vertical de Neospora spp. em equinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 35(1):29-32. Laboratório de Parasitologia do Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Microbiologia e Parasitologia, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: The genre protozoan Neospora is recognized as causing reproductive disorders and miscarriages in cattle. Among the horses little is known about the effects of infection by these protozoa. It is currently accepted that the effects of infection by Neospora hughesi in horses may occur in the central nervous system, and effects of Neospora caninum infection occur in the reproductive system of mares. The present study examined the presence of class immunoglobulin G in blood serum of a population of brood mares and their foals before colostrum ingestion. For this assignment was employed indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) using as antigen tachyzoites of Neospora caninum, the initial dilution employed in sera of the mares was 1:50 and dilution in the serum of foals was 1:16. Were assisted 78 deliveries and all foals had their blood serum collected immediately after birth. The presence of antibodies against Neospora spp. found in mares was 50 (64%) and 32 (41%) foals were positive. Of the 50 mares that had antibodies to Neospora spp. 24 generated positive foals. Among the 28 mares unreacted eight gave birth to foals positive. Having the results we can conclude that vertical transmission occurred Neospora spp. researched in horses.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Quevedo P.S., Avila L.F.C., Saggin A., Silveira T.R., Feijó L.S., Frey Jr F., Curcio B.R. & Farias N.A.R. 2015. [Verification of vertical transmission of Neospora spp. in horses.] Verificação da transmissão vertical de Neospora spp. em equinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 35(1):29-32. Laboratório de Parasitologia do Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Microbiologia e Parasitologia, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: O gênero protozoário Neospora é reconhecido como causador de desordens reprodutivas e abortos em bovinos. Entre os equinos pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos da infecção por estes protozoários. Atualmente é admitido que os efeitos da infecção por Neospora hughesi em equinos possam ocorrer no sistema nervoso central e, os efeitos provocados pela infecção por Neospora caninum recaiam sobre o sistema reprodutor de éguas. O presente trabalho verificou a presença de imunoglobulinas da classe G no soro sanguíneo de uma população de éguas de cria e, em seus respectivos potros antes da ingestão do colostro. Para execução deste trabalho foi empregada técnica de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI), utilizando como antígeno taquizoítos de Neospora caninum, a diluição inicial dos soros das éguas foi de 1:50 e a diluição do soro dos potros empregada foi de 1:16. Foram assistidos 78 partos e todos os potros tiveram seu soro sanguíneo coletado imediatamente após o nascimento. A pesquisa de anticorpos contra Neospora spp. apontou que 50 (64%) éguas e 32 (41%) potros foram positivos. Das 50 éguas que apresentaram anticorpos contra Neospora spp. 24 geraram potros positivos. Entre as 28 éguas que não reagiram, oito deram a luz a potros positivos. De posse dos resultados encontrados podemos concluir que ocorreu a transmissão vertical de Neospora spp. nos equinos pesquisados.

#4 - Patogenicity and virulence of Toxoplasmagondii isolated from rustic farm pigs in Southern Brazil, 34(12):1186-1190

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Oliveira P.A., OliveiraF.C., Faria L.M.J., Marcolongo-Pereira C., Coelho A.C.B., Pappen F.G. & Farias N.A.R. 2014. [Patogenicity and virulence of Toxoplasmagondii isolated from rustic farm pigs in Southern Brazil.] Patogenicidade e virulência de Toxoplasma gondii isolado de suínos de criação artesanal no sul do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34(12):1186-1190. Departamento de Parasitologia e Microbiologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: Studies of Toxoplasma gondii infection in pigs are important because they are part of the human food chain. The main routes of transmission of this agent are: carnivorism, fecal-oral and congenital. Six isolates of T. gondii from pigs of rustic farms were evaluated for virulence and pathogenicity. Tachyzoites suspension used in the tests was obtained by aspiration or by washing the peritoneal cavity of mice that had developed ascites. Each sample of living tachyzoites was inoculated into groups of five mice with inoculum of 101, 10², 10³, 104, 105 and 106 intraperitoneally. Half of the isolates (3/6) were lethal and caused clinical signs in Swiss albino mice. The minimum lethal dose was 10³ tachyzoites by inoculum. The death of mice that had acute infection occurred between 12 and 26 days post-inoculation. The other three isolates were not pathogenic or virulent for mice. All isolates of the area studied had a high ability to form cysts, what could increase the risk for infection through ingestion of infected animal tissues.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Oliveira P.A., OliveiraF.C., Faria L.M.J., Marcolongo-Pereira C., Coelho A.C.B., Pappen F.G. & Farias N.A.R. 2014. [Patogenicity and virulence of Toxoplasmagondii isolated from rustic farm pigs in Southern Brazil.] Patogenicidade e virulência de Toxoplasma gondii isolado de suínos de criação artesanal no sul do Brasil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34(12):1186-1190. Departamento de Parasitologia e Microbiologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: Estudos com Toxoplasma gondii em suínos são relevantes porque seus produtos e subprodutos fazem parte da cadeia alimentar do ser humano. As principais vias de transmissão deste agente são o carnivorismo, fecal-oral e congênita. Seis isolados de Toxoplasma gondii de suínos de criação artesanal foram avaliados quanto à patogenicidade e virulência em camundongos suíços albinos. A suspensão de taquizoítos utilizada nos testes foi obtida através da punção ou lavagem da cavidade peritoneal de camundongos que apresentaram ascite. Cada amostra foi inoculada em grupos de cinco camundongos, com inóculo de 101, 10², 10³, 104, 105 e 106 taquizoítos vivos, via intraperitoneal. Dos isolados, 50% (3/6) foram letais e causaram sinais clínicos nos camundongos. A dose mínima letal foi de 10³ taquizoítos. A morte dos animais que apresentaram infecção aguda ocorreu entre 12 e 26 dias após a inoculação. Todos os isolados da região estudada apresentam alta capacidade de formar cistos, o que pode aumentar o risco de infecção pela ingestão de tecidos dos animais infectados pelos mesmos.

#5 - Abordagem sobre o controle do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus*) microplus no sul do Rio Grande do Sul, p.65-70

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Santos T.R.B., Farias N.A.R., Cunha Filho N.A., Pappen F.G. & Vaz Junior I.S. 2009. [Studies of the management of the tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Abordagem sobre o controle do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus no sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):65-70. Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Cx. Postal 354, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: In the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, cattle become infested with Rhipicephalus (B.) microplus mainly between October and April due to the climatic conditions. In addition to knowing its life cycle, knowledge of parasite’s epidemiology is essential to establish management strategies. Epidemiological studies on resistance to acaricides in Rio Grande do Sul as well as in the rest of Brazil are scarce. Moreover, the large geographical area and the structural deficiency with respect to the use and access to databases make reliable data difficult to obtain. The present study surveyed the perception by cattle breeders in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul in regards of identification of R. (B.) microplus populations that are difficult to manage using acaricides, as well as the risk factors for the selection of resistant tick populations. Tick management data on beef cattle in 85 properties of seven municipalities were collected. The results revealed that the difficulty in tick management correlated positively with levels of education of the farm owners (up to elementary school, OR = 3.67 and p = 0.01) and with the yearly number of acaricide applications (over four, with OR = 4.05 and p= 0.006). These results also suggest that properties with more than 100 beef cattle under extensive farming conditions in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul show characteristics that may contribute to longer acaricide lifetimes as compared to other regions in the Country.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Santos T.R.B., Farias N.A.R., Cunha Filho N.A., Pappen F.G. & Vaz Junior I.S. 2009. [Studies of the management of the tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.] Abordagem sobre o controle do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus no sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):65-70. Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Cx. Postal 354, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: In the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, cattle become infested with Rhipicephalus (B.) microplus mainly between October and April due to the climatic conditions. In addition to knowing its life cycle, knowledge of parasite’s epidemiology is essential to establish management strategies. Epidemiological studies on resistance to acaricides in Rio Grande do Sul as well as in the rest of Brazil are scarce. Moreover, the large geographical area and the structural deficiency with respect to the use and access to databases make reliable data difficult to obtain. The present study surveyed the perception by cattle breeders in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul in regards of identification of R. (B.) microplus populations that are difficult to manage using acaricides, as well as the risk factors for the selection of resistant tick populations. Tick management data on beef cattle in 85 properties of seven municipalities were collected. The results revealed that the difficulty in tick management correlated positively with levels of education of the farm owners (up to elementary school, OR = 3.67 and p = 0.01) and with the yearly number of acaricide applications (over four, with OR = 4.05 and p= 0.006). These results also suggest that properties with more than 100 beef cattle under extensive farming conditions in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul show characteristics that may contribute to longer acaricide lifetimes as compared to other regions in the Country.

#6 - Tristeza parasitária bovina na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul: estudo retrospectivo de 1978-2005

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Almeida M.B., Tortelli F.P., Riet-Correa B., Ferreira J.L.M., Soares M.P., Farias N.A.R., Riet-Correa F. & Schild A.L. 2006. [Tick fever in southern Brazil: a retrospective study of 1978-2005.] Tristeza parasitária bovina na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul: estudo retrospectivo de 1978-2005. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(4):236-242. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: A retrospective study of tick fever was made, which occurred from 1978-2005 in southern Rio Grande do Sul in the influence area of the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Federal University of Pelotas. From 4,884 cattle specimens, sent by practitioners or which were from necropsies performed at the Diagnostic Laboratory, 231 (4.7%) were diagnosed as tick fever. Data from 221 of those outbreaks were analyzed. Ninety one (41.1%) outbreaks were caused by Babesia bovis, 11 (4.9%) by Babesia bigemina, and 65 (29.41%) by Anaplasma marginale. In other 33 (14.93%) outbreaks of babesiosis there is no information if the disease was caused by B. bovis or B. bigemina, and 21 (9.5%) outbreaks were caused by mixed infection of A. marginale and B. bovis or B. bigemina. Mean morbidity, mortality, and letality rates in 149 outbreaks were 11.17%, 6.81%, and 70.04%, respectively. Most outbreaks occurred during summer (January-March) and autumn (April-June), mainly in 1 to 3-year-old cattle. Clinical signs were depression, weakness, fallen ears, fever, and weight loss. Low packed cell volume values were always found. Hemoglobinury was observed in babesiosis. Neurological signs characterized by gait alterations, muscular tremors, aggressiveness and falling down with tonic and clonic convulsions were observed in babesiosis by B. bovis. The main gross lesions were anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, yellow liver and cardiac hemorrhages. Hemoglobinury was observed in babesiosis, and congestion of the cerebral cortex in babesiosis by B. bovis. It is concluded that B. bovis is the main agent causing thick fever in southern Rio Grande do Sul. In that region with a cattle population of 2,630,000 heads the annual losses due to tick fever can be estimated in 6,220 cattle or US$ 1,623,000.00. Preventive measures to diminish tick fever losses in the region are necessary.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Almeida M.B., Tortelli F.P., Riet-Correa B., Ferreira J.L.M., Soares M.P., Farias N.A.R., Riet-Correa F. & Schild A.L. 2006. [Tick fever in southern Brazil: a retrospective study of 1978-2005.] Tristeza parasitária bovina na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul: estudo retrospectivo de 1978-2005. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(4):236-242. Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Universitário s/n, Pelotas, RS 96010-900, Brazil. E-mail: A retrospective study of tick fever was made, which occurred from 1978-2005 in southern Rio Grande do Sul in the influence area of the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Federal University of Pelotas. From 4,884 cattle specimens, sent by practitioners or which were from necropsies performed at the Diagnostic Laboratory, 231 (4.7%) were diagnosed as tick fever. Data from 221 of those outbreaks were analyzed. Ninety one (41.1%) outbreaks were caused by Babesia bovis, 11 (4.9%) by Babesia bigemina, and 65 (29.41%) by Anaplasma marginale. In other 33 (14.93%) outbreaks of babesiosis there is no information if the disease was caused by B. bovis or B. bigemina, and 21 (9.5%) outbreaks were caused by mixed infection of A. marginale and B. bovis or B. bigemina. Mean morbidity, mortality, and letality rates in 149 outbreaks were 11.17%, 6.81%, and 70.04%, respectively. Most outbreaks occurred during summer (January-March) and autumn (April-June), mainly in 1 to 3-year-old cattle. Clinical signs were depression, weakness, fallen ears, fever, and weight loss. Low packed cell volume values were always found. Hemoglobinury was observed in babesiosis. Neurological signs characterized by gait alterations, muscular tremors, aggressiveness and falling down with tonic and clonic convulsions were observed in babesiosis by B. bovis. The main gross lesions were anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, yellow liver and cardiac hemorrhages. Hemoglobinury was observed in babesiosis, and congestion of the cerebral cortex in babesiosis by B. bovis. It is concluded that B. bovis is the main agent causing thick fever in southern Rio Grande do Sul. In that region with a cattle population of 2,630,000 heads the annual losses due to tick fever can be estimated in 6,220 cattle or US$ 1,623,000.00. Preventive measures to diminish tick fever losses in the region are necessary.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV